Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why use beeswax candles ?

Beeswax candles burn longer, brighter and cleaner than candles made of other types of materials. When the wick is properly trimmed and they are not in a draft, they are virtually dripless and soot free.

After consuming copious amounts of nectar/honey, the honeybee secretes the beeswax from its abdomen, and then uses the wax to construct a honeycomb. After removing the honey, I gently melt the wax and filter it for use in beeswax projects.

Some studies suggest that burning beeswax candles may actually be a healthy way to clean the air.  

"Air contains billions of electrically charged particles called ions. Ions act upon our capacity to absorb and utilize oxygen, and therefore cause powerful effects on our lives and well being. The ions in the air can affect our mood, energy and health. Negative ions actually feel good. Too many positive ions make us feel bad and they are loaded down with pollution and allergens that are drawn to them and suspended in the air. Negative ions, on the other hand, remove the pollution and allergens from positive ions, allowing them to drop harmlessly to the ground. 
Beeswax candle fuel is the only fuel that actually produces negative ions, which not only helps remove pollution from the air but increases the ratio of negative ions to positive ions, the ideal and necessary scenario for clean air."
When purchasing  beeswax candles make sure to choose those that are 100% beeswax.  (Many candles labeled as beeswax only contain 51% beeswax).  Choose one of the beautiful shades of yellow (which is the natural color), white beeswax may have been bleached or chemically treated.

I love making beeswax candles.  I use my natural local beeswax and cotton wicks for the cleanest most natural candle possible.

Happy Candlelighting    Carolina Honeybees Farm.

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